Services  Pelvic Health Physiotherapy

Pelvic Floor is now available at Athlete's Care in Ottawa

Toronto Pelvic Health

Pelvic floor muscles function together to maintain urinary continence, bowel movements, lumbar stability, and sexual function. Many people with pelvic pain have pelvic floor dysfunction, but specifically, hypertonic muscles or muscles that are too tight. Alternatively they can have hypotonic muscles or weak pelvic floor muscles, or a combination of both, muscles that are too tense and too relaxed.

What is the pelvic floor?

The pelvic floor is the base of the group of muscles commonly referred to as your 'core'.  These muscles play an important role in bladder and bowel control and sexual sensation.

How can I tell if I have a pelvic floor problem?

Common signs that can indicate a pelvic floor problem include:

  • accidentally leaking urine when you exercise, play sport, laugh, cough or sneeze
  • needing to get to the toilet in a hurry or not making it there in time
  • constantly needing to go to the toilet
  • finding it difficult to empty your bladder or bowel
  • accidentally losing control of your bowel
  • accidentally passing wind
  • a prolapse (pressure, bulging or discomfort in the pelvic area)
  • pain in your pelvic area, or
  • painful sex

Who’s at risk of pelvic floor problems?

People who are most at risk of pelvic floor problems are:

  • pregnant women
  • women who have recently, or ever, had a baby
  • women who are going through, or have gone through, menopause
  • women who have undergone gynaecological surgery such as a hysterectomy
  • men who have undergone surgery for prostate cancer, and
  • elite athletes such as runners, gymnasts or trampolinists.

This risk is higher if you:

  • have a history of back pain
  • have ever experienced injury to your pelvic region
  • are constipated
  • strain when you go to the toilet
  • have a chronic cough or sneeze, including those linked to asthma, smoking or hayfever

How can Pelvic Health treatment help?

Even though pelvic floor challenges are common, they are treatable and you should not have to live with them. Pelvic health treatment can help you regain control, maximize your function and recovery, and improve your well-being.  Research strongly supports pelvic floor treatment as the first line of defense against incontinence and pelvic pain. Kegel exercises may not help everyone since the cause of pelvic floor dysfunction can be either muscle weakness or tightness. Sometimes they do more harm than good, and often are not performed correctly.

Specialized physiotherapists can evaluate and treat your pelvic floor dysfunction using manual therapy techniques externally and internally.

The practitioners offering this program are Registered Physiotherapists who have taken numerous courses specialzing in Pelvic Health and have gain the knowledge and ability to assess and treat men and women with incontinence and a variety of pelvic pain conditions. They have a special interest in helping active individuals with incontinence, pelvic injury, or pain, return to exercise. 

Meet our Ottawa Pelvic Health provider at Athlete's Care at 1596 Bank Street.


Pelvic Floor Consultation:  1 hour session for $150.00

Pelvic Floor Follow-Up:  30 min session for $90.00

Click the link below to book your Pelvic Health Physiotherapy appointment.

Book Your Pelvic Health Physiotherapy Appointment in Ottawa